Comparative Literature
Reading Lists
Reading Lists
British with American Literature
- Chaucer
- Shakespeare
- Renaissance poetry
- Renaissance drama
- Milton
- British and American prose of the 17th and 18th century (Bacon, Behn, Bunyan, Burton, Mather, Swift, Franklin, Edwards)
- British and American poetry of the 17th and 18th century (Bradstreet, Dryden, Taylor, Pope, Johnson, Freneau, Wheatley)
- 18th-century novel (Defoe, Fielding, Richardson, Sterne, Smollett)
- British Romantic poetry (Blake, Byron, Coleridge, Keats, Shelley, Wordsworth)
- British Victorian poetry (Arnold, the Brownings, Hopkins, Swinburne, Tennyson)
- 19th-century British novel (Austen, Brontës, Eliot, Dickens, Hardy)
- historical novel (Scott, Cather, Cooper)
- 19th-century American poetry (Dickinson, Longfellow, Whitman)
- 19th-century American prose (Douglass, Emerson, Poe, Thoreau)
- 19th-century American novel (Hawthorne, Melville, Stowe, Twain)
- African American literature of the Harlem Renaissance and up to the Civil Rights era (Baldwin, Ellison, Hughes, Hurston, Schuyler, Wright)
- Late 19th- and early 20th-century American novel (Crane, Dreiser, James, London, Wharton)
- Literature of the American South (Chopin, Faulkner, Welty, O’Connor, Southern Agrarians)
- modernist novels (Dos Passos, Hemingway, Joyce, Woolf)
- modernist poetry (Eliot, Frost, Pound, Stein, Stevens, Yeats)
- drama of the 20th and 21st century (Albee, Beckett, Miller, O’Neill, Pinter, Shaw, Williams)
- post-WW2 American fiction (Barthelme, DeLillo, Ellison, Gaddis, Morrison, Nabokov, Pynchon, Reed, Wright)
- post-WW2 British and American poetry
- post-WW2 global Anglophone fiction (Achebe, Coetzee, Ishiguro, Kincaid, Naipaul, Rhys, Rushdie)
- literary criticism (Arnold, Carlyle, Du Bois, Eliot, Johnson, Morrison, Warren)
French Literature
- La Chanson de Roland
- Selections from Chrétien de Troyes, Marie de France & Villon
- Rabelais & Montaigne
- Selected poetry of Ronsard, DuBellay, Scève, Labé
- Corneille
- Molière
- Racine
- Pascal & Madame de Lafayette
- Montesquieu
- Selected works by Charrière, Graffigny, Gouges, Staël
- Diderot
- Voltaire
- Rousseau
- Hugo and/or Sand
- Stendhal and/or Zola
- Balzac
- Flaubert
- Selected poetry of Baudelaire, Rimbaud, Mallarmé
- Proust & Beckett
- Gide and/or Camus and/or Céline
- selected modern poetry, such as Apollinaire, Breton, Éluard, Ponge, Césaire, Senghor, Bonnefoy, Hocquard, Roubaud, Deguy
- Césaire, “Discours sur le colonialisme”; Fanon, Peau noire, masques blancs;Chamoiseau et al, “Éloge de la créolité”; and literary works selected from among the following authors: Condé, Chamoiseau, Pineau, Schwarz-Bart, Ollivier, Laferrière
- Laâbi, “Réalités et dilemmes de la culture nationale I & II”; Haddad, “Les Zéros tournent en rond”; Memmi, Portrait du colonisé, précédé du portrait du colonisateur; and works selected from among the following authors: Kateb Yacine, Chraïbi, Djebar, Ben Jelloun, Kane, Mariama Bâ, Camara Laye, Sembène, Kourouma
- selected works of mid-century & contemporary French fiction, such as Duras, Sarraute, Robbe-Grillet, Perec, Modiano, Le Clézio, Michon, Quignard, Toussaint, Redonnet, Cixous, Chevillard, Bon, Guibert, Rouaud, Ernaux, Houellebecq, NDiaye, Darrieussecq, Sebbar
- selected critical/ philosophical texts, such as Bataille, Beauvoir, Sartre, Lévi-Strauss, Blanchot, Barthes, Fanon, Foucault, Irigaray, Derrida, Deleuze, Glissant, and Mernissi.
British Literature
- Old and Middle English Literature (Beowulf, Langland, The Seafarer, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight)
- Chaucer
- Spenser
- Shakespeare
- Milton
- early modern drama (Jonson, Kyd, Marlowe, Middleton, Webster)
- early modern poetry (Crashaw, Donne, Herbert, Jonson, Marvell, Marlowe, Sidney, Skelton, Vaughan, Wyatt)
- early modern prose (Bacon, Burton, Browne, Donne, More, Nashe, Tyndale)
- verse satire (Dryden, Johnson, Pope)
- Restoration and 18th-century prose and drama (Addison, Behn, Bunyan, Dryden, Johnson, Sheridan, Steele, Wycherley)
- 18th-century novel (Defoe, Fielding, Richardson, Sterne, Smollett)
- Romantic-period novel (Austen, Scott, Mary Shelley)
- early Romantic poetry (Blake, Coleridge, Wordsworth)
- later Romantic poetry (Byron, Keats, Percy Shelley)
- Victorian novel (Dickens, Eliot, Thackeray, Trollope)
- Victorian poetry (Arnold, the Brownings, Hopkins, Swinburne, Tennyson)
- Victorian prose (Carlyle, Newman, Pater, Ruskin)
- later Victorian and Edwardian novel (Hardy, James, Conrad)
- modernist novel (Joyce, Forster, Lawrence, Woolf)
- modernist poetry (Eliot, Pound, Stein, Yeats)
- British and American drama of the 20th and 21st century (Albee, Beckett, Miller, O’Neill, Pinter, Shaw, Williams)
- post-WW2 British and American fiction
- post-WW2 British and American poetry
- post-WW2 global Anglophone fiction of the 20th and 21st century (Achebe, Coetzee, Kincaid, Naipaul, Rhys, Rushdie, Soyinka)
- literary criticism (Arnold, Burke, Coleridge, Dryden, Eliot, Johnson, Jonson, Sidney)
Latin and Greek
- Apuleius
- Augustine, Confessions
- Catullus
- Julius Caesar
- elegy (Ovid, Tibullus, Propertius)
- epic (Ennius, Lucan, Statius)
- epigram (Martial, Ausonius)
- epistles (Cicero, Pliny)
- historiography (Ammianus Marcellinus, Sallust, Suetonius)
- Horace
- literary criticism (Cicero, Horace, Quintilian)
- Livy
- Lucretius
- oratory (Cicero)
- Ovid, Metamorphoses
- Petronius
- philosophy (Cicero, Seneca)
- Republican comedy (Plautus and Terence)
- satire (Juvenal, Lucilius, Persius)
- Senecan drama
- Tacitus
- Virgil, Aeneid
- Virgil, Eclogues
- Virgil, Georgics
- Vulgate
- Aeschylus
- Apollonius of Rhodes
- Aristotle
- comedy (Aristophanes and Menander)
- Demosthenes
- elegiac and iambic verse
- epigram (Greek Anthology)
- epinician poetry (Bacchylides, Pindar)
- Euripides
- Herodotus
- Hesiod
- hymns (Homeric hymns, Callimachus)
- Homer, Iliad
- Homer, Odyssey
- Lucian
- lyric verse (Alcaeus, Alcman, Sappho, etc.)
- New Testament
- oratory (Hyperides, Isocrates, Lysias, etc.)
- Plato
- Plutarch
- romance (Longus, etc.)
- Sophocles
- Theocritus
- Thucydides
- Xenophon
Spanish Literature
- Anon., Poema de Mío Cid
- Anon., Romancero tradicional and Juan Ruiz, Arcipreste de Hita, Libro de buen amor
- Anon., Lazarillo de Tormes
- Cristóbal Colón
- Bartolomé de las Casas
- Spanish Renaissance (Garcilaso de la Vega, Santa Teresa de Jesús, Fray Luis de León)
- El Inca Garcilaso or Guamán Pomo de Ayala
- Miguel de Cervantes
- Baroque poetry (Luís de Góngora, Francisco de Quevedo)
- Golden Age Drama (Lope de Vega, Calderón de la Barca)
- Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz
- Spanish Enlightenment (José Cadalso, José Espronceda, Mariano José de Larra, Benito Feijóo, Joseph Blanco White)
- The nineteenth-century Spanish novel (Benito Perez Galdós, Emilia Pardo, Bazán, Leopoldo Alas “Clarín”)
- Domingo Faustino Sarmiento
- Latin American foundations (Andrés Bello, Gertrudis Gómez de Avellaneda, José Marmol, José Martí de Heredia, Manuel de Jesús Galván, Ricardo Palma, Jorge Isaacs, Clorinda Matto de Turner)
- Latin American Modernist poetry and prose
- Generación del 98
- Federico García Lorca
- Jorge Luis Borges
- Selected poetry of the Latin American avant-garde (Vicente Huidobro, Pablo Neruda, Octavio Paz, César Vallejo, Gabriela Mistral)
- The Latin American novel of the early twentieth century (Mariano Azuela, Rómulo Gallegos, José Eustasio Rivera, Roberto Arlt, Teresa de la Parra, María Luisa Bombal, José María Arguedas)
- Foundations of “Magical Realism” (Alejo Carpentier, Miguel Ángel Asturias, Juan Rulfo)
- The Latin American “Boom” generation (Carlos Fuentes, Mario Vargas Llosa, Julio Cortázar, Manuel Puig, Gabriel García Márquez, Guillermo Cabrera Infante, José Donoso, Elena Garro)
- Post-war Spanish narrative (Juan Goytisolo, Ana María Matute, Rafael Sánchez Ferlosio, Camilo José Cela, Carmen Laforet, Carmen Martín Gaite, Javier Marías)
- Post-1969 Latin American narrative (Reinaldo Arenas, Diamela Eltit, Luis Rafael Sánchez, Guillermo Cabrera Infante, Ricardo Piglia, Roberto Bolaño, Carmen Boullosa, Cristina Rivera Garza)
Brazilian Literature
- Gregório de Matos
- Tomás Antônio Gonzaga
- Basílio da Gama
- Gonçalves Dias
- Castro Alves
- Manuel Antônio de Almeida
- José de Alencar
- Sousândrade
- Aluísio Azevedo
- Machado de Assis
- Olavo Bilac
- Cruz e Souza
- Euclides da Cunha
- Lima Barreto
- Manuel Bandeira
- Oswald de Andrade
- Mário de Andrade
- Graciliano Ramos
- José Lins do Rego
- Rachel de Queiroz
- Carlos Drummond de Andrade
- João Guimarães Rosa
- Clarice Lispector
- Jorge Amado
- João Cabral de Melo Neto
- Lygia Fagundes Telles
- Nélida Piñon
- João Ubaldo Ribeiro
- Moacyr Scliar
- Sérgio Sant'Anna
Portuguese Literature
- Poesia Trovadoresca (Cantigas de Amor, Cantigas de Amigo, Cantigas de Escárnio e Mal dizer)
- Fernão Lopes
- Gil Vicente
- Luís de Camões
- Antônio Vieira
- Poetas Barrocos (selections from D. Francisco Manuel de Melo, António Barbosa e Sóror Violante do Céu)
- Bocage
- Almeida Garrett
- Camilo Castelo Branco
- Júlio Dinis
- Eça de Queiroz
- Cesário Verde
- Antero de Quental
- Camilo Pessanha
- Florbela Espanca
- Fernando Pessoa
- José Régio
- Miguel Torga
- Manuel da Fonseca
- Vergílio Ferreira
- Agustina Bessa-Luís
- Jorge de Sena
- José Rodrigues Miguéis
- Vitorino Nemésio
- José Cardoso Pires
- Eugénio de Andrade
- Sophia de Mello Breyner
- José Saramago
- Lídia Jorge
- António Lobo Antunes
German Literature
- Nibelungenlied; selections from Walter von der Vogelweide; Tristan or Parzival
- Luther
- Selected Baroque poetry including Opitz and Gryphius
- Selected Baroque drama including Gryphius and Lohenstein
- Grimmelshausen
- Lessing and Mendelssohn
- Kant and Herder
- Goethe
- Schiller
- Hölderlin
- Selections from idealist philosophers (Fichte, Schelling, Hegel)
- F. Schlegel and Novalis
- Hoffmann
- Tieck, Brentano, and A. v. Arnim
- Kleist
- Droste-Hülshoff
- Mörike
- Büchner
- Stifter and Keller
- Fontane
- Nietzsche
- Hauptmann and Wedekind
- George and Hofmannsthal
- Rilke
- Benn, Lasker-Schüler, and Trakl
- T. Mann
- Musil
- Kafka
- Brecht
- Selected modern poetry including Celan and Bachmann
Italian Literature
- Dante
- Petrarca
- Boccaccio
- Machiavelli/Lorenzo de’Medici
- Cellini
- Tasso
- Vico
- Goldoni
- Foscolo
- Manzoni
- Leopardi
- Verga
- De Sanctis
- D’Annunzio
- Pirandello
- Futurists
- Svevo
- Gadda
- Montale
- Saba
- Pasolini
- Calvino
- Morante
- Ginzburg
- Resistance literature: Pavese, Fenoglio, Elio Vittorini
Arabic Literature
- The mu‘allaqat
- Qur’an, hadith, and sirah
- Umayyad poetry and prose
- Abu Nuwas
- Abu Tammam & al-Buhturi
- al-Jahiz
- al-Mutanabbi
- Abu al-‘Ala’ al-Ma‘arri
- Poetry of al-Andalus
- Alf layla wa-layla
- Selected maqamat
- Medieval Arabic anthologies
- Mamluk and early Ottoman literature
- Selected neo-classical poetry including Barudi, Shawqi
- Selected prose of the Nahdah including Muwaylihi
- Romantic Poetry in the Mashriq and the Mahjar
- Mid-century Iraqi poetry including al-Mala’ikah, al-Sayyab
- Commitment/Iltizam
- Pioneers in Egypt: Yahya Haqqi, Taha Husayn, Tawfiq al-Hakim
- Later Egyptian fiction: Naguib Mahfouz, Yusuf Idris, Sonallah Ibrahim
- Palestinian Literature after the Nakbah
- The Shi‘r group in Lebanon
- Fiction and poetry after 1967
- Lebanese Civil War Fiction
- The novel in the Maghreb