Comparative Literature

Department Undergraduate Group

The DUG hopes to bring concentrators in closer contact with faculty, one another, and the broader field of literary studies to better our understanding of Comparative Literature both inside and outside of Brown. 

Come here to find out what the DUG is planning, how to become more involved, and where you can find some good Comp Lit-related web links. 

DUG Resource Document

The Comp Lit DUG has compiled a variety of resources aimed at helping fellow undergrads navigate Brown, whether you are planning on pursuing Comparative Literature or not! Check it out for insider details on the concentration, how to look for research funds, the best coffee shops to study at around college hill, and much more!

CompLit DUG Resource Document


For information on the Comparative Literature DUG and/or to get involved, please contact our 2023-2024 DUG leaders. 

DUG Leaders

Track 1: Two Languages

Angela Chen '25
English & Chinese

Finn Kirkpatrick '25
English & Japanese

Track 3: Literary Translation

Lia Ortner '25
Latin & Ancient Greek


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