Caroline Holyoak
Originally hailing from Salt Lake City, Utah, Caroline Holyoak is a doctoral student in the department of Comparative Literature. Her main research interests center on an understanding of metaphysical poetry as a transnational, transatlantic, translinguistic, and transhistorical phenomenon; that is, she seeks to explore connections between early modern British poets and their counterparts in Spain and colonial Latin America, as well as their sustained legacy in the writings of Spanish and Latin American poets throughout the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. In addition, Caroline is interested in the potentially subversive ramifications of such poetics in gendered, indigenous, queer, and (de)colonized contexts. In her spare time, she is an avid birdwatcher.
B.A. in English, University of Portland 2019
B.A. in Spanish, University of Portland, 2019
English, Spanish, French (beginning)